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в рамках семинара "Великая иллюзия сознания - 4" пройдет открытая лекция профессора Медицинской школы Гарварда Джереми Вольфа "Модель гибридного поиска: каким образом долговременная память взаимодействует со зрительным поиском" («Hybrid Search: How long-term memories interact with visual search»).

Время и место: 24 октября, 17:30, 213 аудитория. Лекция пройдет на английском языке с последовательным переводом.

Лектор: Jeremy M. Wolfe, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology & Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Director of Visual Attention Lab, Center for Advanced Medical Imaging (Radiology).

Анонс лекции «Hybrid Search: How long-term memories interact with visual search»:

In a typical visual search task, you look for a target item amongst some non-target, distractor items. In the real world, however, you often look for more than one thing at one time. In the supermarket, you might be holding a shopping list of 10 items in your memory. We will call this combination of visual search and memory search “hybrid search”. In a basic hybrid search task in the lab, our Observers memorized 1-100 specific objects and searched for them in visual displays of 1-16 objects. Reaction Time (RT) was a linear function of the visual set size. RT is not a linear function of the memory set size. Rather, RT increases linearly with the log of the number of items in memory. Those experiments were done with specific examples of specific items: This cat in this position. What happens if you are looking for categories of items (e.g. Find animals, coins, and boats)? Can you hold more than one list at a time (e.g. Look for carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes in the vegetable section and sugar, salt, & pepper in the spice section)? By answering questions like these, the hybrid search paradigm gives us new insights into the interaction of memory and visual attention in complex tasks.

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