
Дорогие друзья!

К нам на факультет пришло письмо от австрийской коллеги Терезы Ферстль - с просьбой помочь ей набрать данные русскоязычной выборки. Все вопросы опросника переведены на русский язык.

Пожалуйста, потратьте 10-15 минут времени и ответьте на несколько вопросов о вашем поведении в эмоционально значимых ситуациях!

Заодно вы сможете узнать, что и как сейчас изучают социальные психологи в Европе: вот ссылка.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Theresa Ferstl. At the current state, I am writing on my Bachelor dissertation in Social Psychology at University Salzburg. My cultural research, in which Russian, Austrian and German test subjects participate, measures emotional experience and behavior in specific situations.

For me, it is significantly important to get as many subjects with Russian nationality as possible participating in this survey. The obtained data will support the scientific research in psychology at my university.

The following online-survey would take about 10 - 15 minutes of time. Anonymity of the extracted data is guaranteed, so there is no possibility to identify any personal data of the test subjects. This survey has also been translated into Russian language for better understanding.

I would be really grateful, if you could distribute the following hyperlink of the online-survey among as many Russian students from your university as possible.

In advance, I want to thank you very, very much for your cooperation and support,

With best regards,

Theresa Ferstl

University of Salzburg

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